Vorträge 2017

Saturday and Sunday in parallel with the exhibition

Sat 13:00 Building bridges over 30 years of technological development

Marc describes his experiences on how to keep C64 and Amigas running, using newly developed hardware, finding spare parts and restoring machines.

He will demonstrate a C64 with a SD-card adaptor, the Commodore 64 SD2IEC Backpack. Marc will also report on his current project of connecting a current USB-mouse to an Amiga, by using an Arduino DUE.

Furthermore he will reflect on the problems facing computer restorers : fading EPROMS, leaky batteries and capacitors.

Time permitting we will discuss usage of FPGA.

Marc Schaffer

Sat 14:00 History of game consoles

The well known collector Robert Weiss talks about game console development.

His poster documenting the computer development will be for sale in the exhibit hall.

Robert Weiss

Sat 15:00 Logarithms as used in calculators

Stephan Schwarzmann discusses the development of the calculator, from the earliest beginnings until now.

Stephan Schwarzmann

Sat 16:00 - 18:00 Programming the 8008, 8080 and Z80 microprocessors

Neil Franklin talks about programming the 8008, 8080 and Z80 in machinecode and assembler.

Neil Franklin

So 13:00 Building bridges over 30 years of technological development

Marc describes his experiences on how to keep C64 and Amigas running, using newly developed hardware, finding spare parts and restoring machines.

He will demonstrate a C64 with a SD-card adaptor, the Commodore 64 SD2IEC Backpack. Marc will also report on his current project of connecting a current USB-mouse to an Amiga, by using an Arduino DUE.

Furthermore he will reflect on the problems facing computer restorers : fading EPROMS, leaky batteries and capacitors.

Time permitting we will discuss usage of FPGA.

(repeat of yesterdays talk).

Marc Schaffer

So 14:00 Basicode

Martin Bijl shows Basicode, a means of distributing home computer programs via radio and TV-channel.

Differences in BASIC-dialects were taken into account, such that programs could run on a multitude of home computers.

Martin Bijl

So 15:00 Super-Nintendo internals

Sven Heurlimann delves deep into the innards of the Super-Nintendo games console.

Sven Heurlimann
