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For the fourth time, there will be a //Vintage Computer Festival Europe// in Switzerland: November 18/19 2017. \\
Like last year, the event will take place in the Rote Fabrik, Zurich.
Please also follow us on [[https://twitter.com/VCFe_CH|Twitter]] and [[https://plus.google.com/+VCFeSwitzerland|Google+]] !
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====== VCFe Schweiz 4 (2017) ======
Our mission is to encourage the preservation of obsolete computer hard- and software of years past, to promote interest in researching and documenting the history of the computer age ... and to have fun playing with old iron. The Vintage Computer Festival is not only a fixed entry in the Silicon Valley timetable, but it has also become a European event, celebrating our computer heritage. Let us return to those thrilling days of yesteryear, when geeks were geeks and floppies were really floppy.
Play hands-on with some of the most important computer systems from the 50s down through the 90s and see the evolution of computing. Play the earliest video games on Old Iron and vintage arcade machines, try operating a Blinkenlights front panel and relive the home computer boom of the Eighties. Presentation sessions will complement the exhibits, explaining the stories of machines both famous and long forgotten.
Programme 2017 in PDF format: [[https://t.co/YV2KzIGXZ8|Programmheft]]
^When ^ Where^
| 18 November 2017: 10:00-18:00 | \\ Rote Fabrik, Seestrasse 395, Zurich \\ \\ |
| 19 November 2017: 10:00-17:00 | ::: |
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|Tickets: Fr. 5 per day, children <12y free ||
Contact for any further information: info@vcfe.ch
===== Festival Program 2017 =====
Below is a summary of the currently confirmed exhibits, loosely sorted in historical order. See also the **[[full_festival_programme|full exhibit and presentation descriptions]]**.\\
To add your own exhibit to the show, see **[[exhibit_howto|here]]**
Currently confirmed exhibits:
New exhibits added regularly - please check back soon
- Apple I (1:1 clone)
- Open Source Replicas of Historical Computers
- The DIY PDP-8 !
- We will show some Commodore Machines
- Reviving an IBM System 360/30
- MS-DOS: IBM’s revolution that came to dominate them all
- Olivetti the computer pioneers
- Tektronix 4014 / Tektronix 4052
- Dragon - new tricks for the old beast
- Paper Tape on USB
- MSX systems
- ...and lotsa vintage games !...
Currently confirmed presentation sessions:
Held in parallel with the exhibition
- Building bridges over 30 years o technological development
- Game development
- Logarithms in calculators
- Programming 8008/8080/Z80
Held in parallel with the exhibition
- 8-bit Mixtape
- Solder workshop
- Read and duplicate your punched tapes
===== Call for exhibits! =====
Hands-on demonstrations of historic computing are the heart of the VCFe series. If you’d like to show your vintage stuff, be very welcome!\\
Read more about the process and **[[exhibit_howto|how to register your exhibit]]**.
===== Organised and Sponsored by =====
[[http://rotefabrik.ch/|{{:rf.png?100 |}}]]Located on a unique scenic spot on the shores of Lake Zurich, the **[[http://rotefabrik.ch/|Rote Fabrik]]** cultural center offers a rich variety of cultural programs. The Rote Fabrik is always on the move. It picks up new trends and offers a platform for creativity in different cultural genres.
[[http://dock18.ch/|{{ :d18.png?100|}}]]**[[http://dock18.ch/|Dock18]]** Raum für Medienkulturen der Welt ist abwechselnd und von Zeit zu Zeit simultan unabhängiger Kunstraum, TV Studio, Medienlabor, Meeting Point, Bar, Club, Tanzboden und interaktiver Nährboden für verschiedene Medienkulturen der Welt.
[[http://vcfe.org/|{{:vcfe.jpg?100 |}}]]**[[http://vcfe.org|VCF Europa.org]]** – Our mission is to encourage the preservation of obsolete computer hard- and software of years past, to promote interest in researching and documenting the history of the computer age ... and to have fun playing with old iron.
[[http://vcfed.org|{{ :vcfed.png?nolink&100|External Link}}]] **[[http://vcfed.org|VCFED (US)]]** – Vintage Computer Federation is a 501c3 non-profit educational organization existing for and led by computer history hobbyists. Activities include online discussion, events, local user groups, and a bricks-and-mortar museum. We can also assist with film/TV props, media interviews, research projects, data/drive recovery services, patent/prior art projects, and more.
[[http://vintagebytes.ch/|{{:vb.png?200|}}]] .** [[http://vintagebytes.ch|VintageBytes.ch]]** - association of vintage computer enthusiasts in Switzerland
[[http://laborluzern.org/|{{ :laborlogo.png}}]] \\ ** [[http://laborluzern.org/|Labor Luzern]]** - Learning community for contemporary media. The LABOR Luzern invites to DIY and do-it-together! Our Hackspace downtown Luzern offers a creative environment for innovation and creativity!